I got COVID! I’ve been double vaccinated (Pfizer) since the beginning of July. I felt run down last Friday and did a lateral flow test which came back positive, and I got my first negative one this morning – my isolation ends tomorrow.
I think we already knew this, but it’s no fun. I was totally wiped out and seemed to develop a new symptom each day. I’m feeling much better now, but still can’t smell anything, or taste much – which makes cooking interesting. I’m lucky to live somewhere with a spare room so I didn’t make James sick, and also lucky to have someone who’d leave plates of food outside my door, prison style 😅
As a result, I’ve not done much besides binge Netflix and sleep. Money Heist is the stand-out hit so far (no spoilers please), the final series of Arrested Development was bad, and Derry Girls was fun. I’ve also started reading Detransition, Baby.
I did spend a bit of time learning Swift and Swift UI, but I’ll write something separate about that when I’ve got a bit more energy.